Urban Environments

Noise and Vibration Free Piling
In instances where there is a requirement to install piles without noise and vibration – for example, urban piling – we have piling equipment that is perfectly suited to your needs.
The Kowan range of Still Worker virtually noise and vibration free pile pressing machines are the ultimate in environmentally friendly piling. These state-of-the-art machines enable piles to be installed and extracted in highly sensitive locations; they are compact in size so are also ideally suited to height restricted sites i.e. in buildings or under bridges and can press piles into most soil types although, depending on stiffness/density, pre-augering or water jetting is sometimes required.
Kowan – Pile Press – Still Worker

Case Studies

Case Study: Holland
The unique location presented a number of problems which would have been impossible to solve with conventional systems: Due to the proximity of the buildings noise and vibration had to be virtually eliminated; The mature trees along the canal wall were not allowed to be damaged, and the only access for the piling and associated equipment was via the canal itself.
The Still Worker was taken to location by barge and is installing temporary steel sheet piles in front of the existing wall which can then be closed off. The water will be pumped out, the old timber wall removed and a new permanent wall of steel sheet piles installed with a new fascia.
Finally, the temporary sheet piles will be extracted to complete that section. This is being completed in 100m stages – due to the length of the canal it will take up to 5 years to complete!

Case Study: Norway
How can we help?

“Contact us today to discuss your piling plant requirements with our expert team.”